Can a Christian invest in Bitcoin?
Trading and Christianity has been topic of contention amongst the faithful for a while, and there have been strong viewpoints on either side. This is specially true when we throw in the mix the digital marketplace phenomena otherwise known as cryptocurrency.
How to improve your finances amidst living alone during social isolation
Self-isolation may mean be a huge attraction for a person who has a hectic schedule and spends hours outside the home. However, the excitement reduces once you’re compelled to live alone at home. The condition may worsen when you’re living all alone due to social...
Marriage and Finances: 5 Tips To Manage Your Money As A Couple
Today we’re talking about 5 tips that will help you to manage your money as a couple so that you are empowered to reach your financial goals together and build the life you both want. First let me tell you a short story. Story Ezra meets Sara, they fall in love,...
Gift ideas for Work from home Mums, Bloggers and Youtubers
We are all aware of the end of year season full of sales and spending. In a short space of time we have thanks giving, black Friday sales and Christmas. Being a work from home mum comes with it's difficulties especially when the kids are young and you are at the...
Allergy and Free From Review: Tips to make the most out of the event
The Allergy and Free From show, being in the hustle-bustle and busyness of being in an environment of people who know your struggle is an *amazing* experience. Not being fearful of asking "Is it gluten free and dairy free?" was liberating, checking every ingredient in...
Birthday Knowledge
It is my birthday and I must admit that I think I am a new person. I started this blog over a year ago and I have honestly struggle with keeping up with it because writing is not my strongest skill. Read: Writing tip for Bloggers who hate to write. Each day as I...
Elhers Danlos Awareness UK – My story
It is Elhers Danlos awareness UK month and I wanted to share a real story about my own experience of living with an invisible illness. This is in dedication to #timetodiagnosis which is hosted my Elhers A UK based organisation dedicated into increasing...
