So as the new year has started I have decided to do the challenge whereby I upload at least 5 items a day onto ebay to sell for maybe the next three months.

Through my research, I came across a site called BIDKIT ( you can also download the app version to use on your phone).

Bidkit is an app you can use as a search widget alongside ebay. This app allows you to search a lot more easily and you can target specific categories or words.


As I have set myself the challenge to upload at least 5 times. If successful, I hope to invest my earnings into becoming a reseller.

Bidkit allows ebay resellers to find the closest and cheapest items for themselves which is ideal.

BIDKIT has 11 different search catergories which allows you to narrow down what you are looking for which is great.

Spelling mistakes are also rectified which means that your searches will come up but also this will benefit resellers because if someone has mis-spelt what they are selling, they are less likely going to get a buyer which opens up an opportunity to grab a bargain.


If you found this helpful, don’t forget to comment and share. Click Here for other side hustling business you can start with little or no money

God bless you.

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